You Won't Believe Your Eyes: Online Dress Orders Gone Terribly Wrong

1. Red Illusion Dress

Original dress price: $150 Original created by SimplyDresses Knockoff Acquired at: Unknown Knockoff Acquired for: Unknown A red dress is daring and bold, which is why many individuals choose a bright colour for special occasions. It's a colour that says, "I've arrived!" Unfortunately for this unwary buyer, what arrived was a complete disaster.

Red Illusion Dress @jazcecelia/Twitter SimplyDresses made a lot of promises but delivered almost nothing by serving up this ugly gown. While the fit isn't horrible, the length is entirely off, and the bodice is all kinds of messed up. Where is the elegant dress from the first photo?

2. Black Lace Dress.

Original dress price: $65 Original created by eBay Knockoff Acquired at: Unknown Knockoff Acquired for: Unknown Who says black dresses need to be boring? Some of the most gorgeous costumes of the twentieth century were black. Just think of Audrey Hepburn in Givenchy. In one occasion, an eBay seller sold the described outfit, which was absolutely lovely.

Black Lace Dress at KnockOffNightmares/Facebook. The gorgeous design was enough to entice many people to buy, but how did the reality compare to their expectations? Not only did the clothing resemble one of Queen Victoria's mourning robes, but it deviated greatly from the advertised offering. We hope this buyer received a refund!
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