Entry-Level Cameras: The Best Way To Start Your Photography Journey

3. "Reaching For Heaven"

Potential Lens: DJI Phantom 4 Pro Where to Purchase: DJI UAVs Price: $1,519* You may definitely infer that Konrad Paruch, who goes by @thedronelad on social media, used a camera other than a standard one to take this stunning picture. Paruch captured a picture of the French island of Mont Saint Michel from a great height, captured through a sea of clouds using a drone.

On Pinterest, "Reaching For Heaven @P D L" This image, titled "Reaching for Heaven," has the appearance of something from a fantasy film. Paruch like to fly the DJI Phantom 4 Pro drone. One of the best manufacturers of camera drones available is DJI Drones. At $1,519, the Phantom 4 Pro is capable of reaching heights of 19,685 feet in the air.

4. Magnificent Elevations

Potential Use of the iPhone Camera Where to Purchase: Apple Price range: $599–$799* This selfie was shot in Yekaterinburg, Russia, and it's really eerie and disorienting. Most likely captured with an Android or iPhone camera, Instagram user @makhorov shared the photo on the platform. It showed him standing at a tremendous height, having ascended some outdoor stairs in one of the many forests that Russia has to offer.

Amazing Heights on Instagram at @angela_nikolau In Russia, thrill-seeking selfies have become so popular that the authorities felt compelled to intervene. A few years ago, the Russian Interior Ministry launched the "Safe Selfie" campaign in response to numerous injuries caused by reckless selfie-taking. It's not quite worked, based on captivating photographs like the ones shared by @makhorov.
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